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Business Listing Prices

$0$2.17 A Month$4.27 A MonthCall For Pricing
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Listing Categories25712
Number of tags allowed371015
# of Photos35912
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You can list your event, post it in up to 3 categories, include up to 5 tags, upload up to 2 images, provide event details, contact information and even embed a video. Click here To get started now. All events will be reviewed, and subject to approval for them to stay posted.

Advertising Prices

Placement AreasPriceDurationAd Size
Header$1.0021 Days/ 3 Weeks728 X 90Advertise Here
Footer$1.0021 Days/ 3 Weeks728 X 90Advertise Here
Home Page$1.0021 Days/ 3 WeeksFlyer SizeAdvertise Here
Featured Listing - Home PageFree4 Days Free/ 3 Days Option to pay $3.00 for 3 daysYour listingContact us to advertise here
Category Page$1.0021 Days/ 3 Weeks1000 X 250Advertise Here
Listing/Blog Pages$1.0021 DaysFlyer SizeAdvertise Here
Search Page$1.0021 DaysFlyer SizeAdvertise Here

Prices are subject to change. Click here to See Currency Convertor : Convert dollar value to Cedis (GHS)

Explanation of Advertisement Areas

Header – is located at the very top of the page and is visible on every page of the site

Footer – is located at the very bottom of the page and is visible on every page of this site

Homepage – The ad on the homepage is only visible to visitors on the homepage and appears in rotation with other ads places there as well by other advertisers
Click here to see example of Homepage Ad

Listing Page – The ad is placed in the sidebar of business listing throughout the site. It is visible to people looking through business listings. It also appears in rotation with any other ads placed there by other advertisers. It will also appear on our blog page.
Click here to see example Listing Page Ad
Click here to see example Blog Page Ad

Search Page – The ad is placed on all category browsing pages throughout the site. It is visible to people looking through categories or searching for a particular place. It also appears in rotation with any other ads placed there by other advertisers
Click here to see example of Search Page Ad

Category Page – The ads placed here will only appear on this page
Click here to see example of Category Page Ad